Blogging: The "Why"

According to Andrew Sullivan's article, "The Blogging Revolution," the journal is a inventive milieu that opens up possibilities not previously seen. "Poised concerning media, blogs can be as nuanced and well-sourced as usual journalism, but they have the immediacy of tell radio," says Sullivan.

What does that normal for the diminutive company owner? By their amazingly nature, blogs do several far-reaching tasks for petite businesses. They allow you to:

Influence open7 interview going on for your company

There are few property more discouraging for a undersized conglomerate owner than to be blindsided by a crisis and not have a high-speed technique to answer. In her article, "Does Your Company Belong in the Blogosphere?," Katherine Heires says, "A business firm web log allows a cast both to hold on to an ear to the soil to perceive what's state aforementioned in the order of it and, if necessary, speak up up next to a correction."

Even when your enterprise isn't in crisis, a journal makes it cushy for newspapers to discovery the latest, most high-fidelity facts just about your company-and that's important, because a Euro Magnet and Columbia University Survey of the Media in 2005 recovered that 51% of reporters estimation blogs characteristically. In fact, according to commercialism biographer Brian Quinton, you may well force PR public interest simply because you do have a business blog.

Enhance mark perceptibility and credibility

A blog establishes your proficiency in your commercial enterprise. For example, Jonathan Schwartz, corporate executive and COO of Sun Microsystems, in use his blog (one of copious Sun blogs) to open himself as a last chief on issues correlated to information processing system operative systems. According to blogging adviser John Lawlor (, "Bloggers that excite and bring helpfulness to their readers get aggregation." Just as important, blogs springiness you a superior query engine ranking, because look into engines respect golf links and fresh, persistent things.

Achieve consumer intimacy

Customers privation to see the human line-up of your company, and your journal provides that by bountiful your guests a quality voice. By mistreatment a blog, you can verbalize directly to consumers minus having the gossip filtered, and perchance misinterpreted or slanted, by newspapers or analysts. You can besides let your clients to respond next to complaints, suggestions or a much-needed praise.

Finally, retrieve that blogging is a low-priced horizontal surface. That's more savings that girdle in your pocket!


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